Just as the internet once made headway into people’s lives and prompted companies to evolve accordingly, a few decades later the metaverse seems poised to do the same. Health care, transportation, finance, management practices: expect the metaverse to go mainstream and permeate every facet of the human experience by the end of the decade.

Using cryptocurrencies to conduct business in a decentralized, immersive online space will change the way companies address privacy matters and cybersecurity, intellectual property, cross-jurisdiction tax matters, employment conditions and other legal considerations.

Whatever your industry, you will find in BLG a resourceful and knowledgeable ally as we collectively approach this next tipping point in innovation.

Our team can help corporate early adopters make the most of this largely uncharted territory and safely navigate its risks and opportunities in present times. We can also assist companies with a longer view to transformation and sustainability in preparing themselves to opt in, one day.

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  • BIGG Digital Assets Inc. in its $20 million acquisition of TerraZero Technologies Inc, a vertically integrated Metaverse development group that facilitates the creation of a fully immersive 3D virtual experience.

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