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Amendments To The Transportation Of Dangerous Goods Regulations (Emergency Response Assistance Plan)

Recent amendments to the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (the Regulations) seek to enhance response to releases of dangerous goods; to ensure more effective, timely responses to incidents and clarify expectations of handlers and transporters of dangerous goods.

  • Those who “handle” or “transport” dangerous goods exceeding specified quantities are subject to the Emergency Response Assistance Plan (ERAP) requirements if there is no one “offering for transport” or “importing” the dangerous goods.
  • Applications for approval of an ERAP will now require a “potential incident analysis” that includes, at minimum, the four scenarios set out in s. 7.3 of the Regulations.
  • A person with an approved ERAP can authorize another to use it if authorization is provided in writing, without notifying Transport Canada.
  • A person who holds an ERAP must implement it when there is a release or anticipated release that endangers public safety.
  • A person who is required to report a release or anticipated release of dangerous goods must telephone the ERAP telephone number to report the incident if the expected or actual quantity of the release is in excess of the specified quantities.
  • Whenever an ERAP is implemented, an ERAP implementation report must be filed with CANUTEC at 1-888-CANUTEC (1-888-226-8832).
  • An incident report must be made in the event of a release or anticipated release of dangerous goods.

View more information on these amendments