The 2018 Canadian Association of Petroleum Landmen (CAPL) Conference will this year be hosted in Regina Saskatchewan. BLG's Matti Lemmens will be presenting at the conference.
Species at Risk Act Panel Discussion
Presented by: Matti Lemmens, Partner, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, Robin Reese, AECOM and Carol Engstrom, Wildlife and Environmental Biologist.
The Species at Risk Act (SARA) will affect your development if a deemed species at risk is found at any time throughout the year on a property in which you have an interest. This may lead to timing restrictions, activity curtailment and may ultimately impact the value of an asset.
The purpose of the SARA is to prevent wildlife species in Canada from disappearing, to provide for the recovery of wildlife species that are endangered, or threatened as a result of human activity. How has this act or its concepts already been applied/enforced in areas where some species at risk reside such as sage grouse and caribou? Where are the driving factors for this act coming from? What other species could potentially surface? The panel consist of experts that deal with the day to day issues but understand the overarching future concerns to Oil & Gas development.