Please join Blair Rebane and members of BLG’s Franchise and Distribution group for an informative seminar on recent updates and discussion around the hottest issues in franchise law that could affect your business. A cocktail reception will follow the event to connect with colleagues new and old.
Topics include:
- Disclosure – Don’t make these mistakes
- The hottest issues in franchising
- New Quebec language laws
- Joint employer issues
- System compliance post-COVID
- So you want to expand – Common legal approaches
- Legal and legislative update
We look forward to seeing you.
Please respond by November 16, 2022
If you have any questions about this event, please email Caitlin Jennings at [email protected].
CPD information
BC | This session has been accredited for 2.5 hours, which includes 1.0 hour of Practice Management. Course name: 2022 Franchise and Distribution Group Seminar. Course number: V22112022.