You’re invited to join the Labour & Employment Group of Borden Ladner Gervais LLP for the 2018 Ottawa Labour and Employment Law Symposium.
1. Employment Law Update: What a Difference a Year Makes!
- Bill 148 and Bill 47: Where we are at and what is to come
- New government, new priorities, new questions: Changes to be aware of with our new provincial government
- Other cases and developments of note
Speaker: Bethan Dinning
2. Leaves and Flexible Work Arrangements: Does Anybody Even Work Here Anymore?
- The ever increasing number of statutory leaves
- Tele-work and other flexible arrangements
- Dealing with all of the medical notes you get
Speaker: Stephen Shaddock
3. Terminations, Just Cause and Reasonable Notice: Avoiding an expensive “break-up”
- New trends in the case law that you need to know about
- Is anything just cause anymore?
- How to handle “special” cases
Speaker: Odessa O’Dell
4. Human Rights Update: Just When You Think You’ve Seen it All….
- Recent cases of interest and importance for your organization
- Human rights in the #MeToo workplace
- New and developing areas such as mental health and cannabis
Speaker: Dan Palayew
Available by WebEx
If you have any questions about this event, please contact Kyra Whale at [email protected].