Earlier this year, it was announced that starting in 2019, B.C. would be observing Family Day on the third Monday of February, rather than on the second Monday in February as had been the case since 2013. This change became effective on April 16, 2018 with the passing of B.C. Reg. 75/2018 which amends the Family Day Regulation, B.C. Reg. 149/2012. The movement of the date was done in order to align B.C.'s Family Day holiday with that of other Canadian provinces and with a holiday in the U.S. It is intended to be more economically beneficial for businesses in B.C. and to assist families who are located in different provinces so that they can celebrate the holiday together. Employers should update their policies as necessary to reflect the change in the Family Day statutory holiday for 2019.

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26 mai 2018
B.C.’s Family Day News @Model.HeaderTag>
- Par : Duncan Marsden
- Services : Travail et emploi