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Freedom of information requests for faculty records

Freedom of information requests for records possessed by faculty members at Ontario universities, colleges and teaching hospitals raise a number of sensitivities and legal issues.

This document serves as a useful resource and provides conceptual clarity to Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) practitioners working at Ontario universities, colleges and teaching hospitals seeking to better understand and apply principles of academic freedom, custody or control, reasonable search, and exclusion for research and teaching records.

Key Contacts

  • Daniel  J.  Michaluk

    Daniel J. Michaluk

    Associé et co-chef national, Cybersécurité

    [email protected]

    Daniel Michaluk

    Associé et co-chef national, Cybersécurité

    • Cybersécurité, respect de la vie privée et protection des renseignements personnels
    • Protection de la vie privée et atteintes à la sécurité
    • Différends en matière de cybersécurité
    • Éducation
    • Gouvernement et secteur public

    • Voir la biographie
    Voir la biographie