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BLG A Trademark Leader With Sixth Consecutive Gold

Five trademark professionals highlighted in the latest edition of WTR

Toronto (January 31, 2019) – The Trademarks Group at Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG) has been recognized with its sixth consecutive gold ranking in the 2019 edition of World Trademark Review's WTR 1000 — The World's Leading Trademark Professionals. The publication is the only one of its kind to recommend firms and individual practitioners exclusively in the trademarks field, based on research conducted in 70 global jurisdictions with hundreds of lawyers, attorneys and their clients.

WTR 1000's gold tier is the highest band, awarded to firms that are deemed the most outstanding by clients and market sources in the areas of trademark expertise, market presence and complexity of work. Individuals qualify for inclusion by receiving sufficient positive feedback from sources with knowledge of their practice and the market in which they operate.

The five BLG professionals recognized in the 2019 WTR 1000 are:

  • Geneviève Bergeron - Prosecution and Strategy
  • Kathleen Lemieux — Enforcement and Litigation and Transactions
  • LuAnne Morrow — Prosecution and Strategy
  • Christine Pallotta — Enforcement and Litigation
  • Justine Wiebe — Prosecution and Strategy

BLG's Trademarks Group has filed over 50,000 trademark applications and registrations in Canada and provides strategic advice to protect those interests throughout the world.


À propos de Borden Ladner Gervais S.E.N.C.R.L., S.R.L.

Borden Ladner Gervais S.E.N.C.R.L., S.R.L. (BLG) est l'un des plus grands cabinets d’avocats canadien véritablement multiservices. À ce titre, il offre des conseils juridiques pratiques à des clients d’ici et d’ailleurs dans plus de domaines et de secteurs que tout autre cabinet canadien. Comptant 750 avocats, agents de propriété intellectuelle et autres professionnels, BLG répond aux besoins juridiques d’entreprises et d’institutions au pays comme à l’étranger pour ce qui touche les fusions et acquisitions, les marchés financiers, les différends et le financement ou encore l’enregistrement de brevets et de marques de commerce.

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Pour en savoir davantage ou pour obtenir une entrevue, veuillez communiquer avec :

Tamara Costa
Directrice nationale, Marque et communications marketing
Borden Ladner Gervais S.E.N.C.R.L., S.R.L.
[email protected]