Todd Keeler


[email protected]

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Todd is a lawyer and patent agent who practices intellectual property law.

In his intellectual property law practice, Todd focuses on drafting and prosecuting patent applications in the high tech, telecommunications, electrical, electronics, and mechanical fields, advising on intellectual property related matters, such as ownership, validity, infringement, and patentability of intellectual property. For his clients, he:

  • Drafts and prosecutes patent applications in the Canadian and U.S. patent office in high tech and mechanical fields;
  • Advises on patentability, patent infringement and patent validity;
  • Assists in commercial transactions of businesses that hold IP, including performing due diligence of IP assets, and drafting and reviewing representations and warranties related to IP; and
  • Advises on IP ownership generated pursuant to collaborative or sponsored research arrangements, employment agreements and independent contractor agreements.

Todd also has experience advising federal cannabis licence holders on regulatory issues under the Cannabis Act and the Cannabis Regulations, including:

  • Advises on regulatory compliance under the Cannabis Act and the Cannabis Regulations, including advising on security cleared personnel requirements of licence holders, regulatory compliance of labels and promotional activities related to cannabis products, and cannabis import and export matters; and
  • Assists in M&A transactions of cannabis-related businesses, including advising on change of control issues for acquired licence holders, regulatory compliance of licence holders, and performing regulatory compliance due diligence of licence holders.

Beyond our Walls

Professional Involvement

  • Member, Vancouver Bar Association
  • Member, Law Society of British Columbia
  • Associate, Intellectual Property Institute of Canada

Community Involvement

  • Former Director/Secretary, The Hoop-Law Society
  • Volunteer, The Hoop-Law Charity Basketball Tournament, 2006-present

Awards & Recognitions

  • Recognized in the 2025 edition of The Best Lawyers in Canada™ (Information Technology Law & Intellectual Property Law)

Bar Admission & Education

  • Colombie-Britannique, 2010
  • Registered Canadian Patent Agent, 2012
  • JD, Université de la Colombie-Britannique, 2009
  • MSc (Physics), Université de la Colombie-Britannique, 2006
  • BSc (Mathematical Physics), Université Lakehead, 2003