To prevent the death of North Atlantic right whales by vessel strikes, since June 26, 2019, the Government of Canada has implemented temporary mandatory speed restrictions for all vessels 20 meters or more in overall length to travel at a maximum of 10 knots in certain parts of the western Gulf of St. Lawrence.
This temporary measure is in effect in addition to the speed restrictions implemented on April 28, 2019 and failure to comply with either may result in a fine of up to C$25,000 (approx. US$20,000).
Overview and Map Source: Transport Canada |
There are two speed zones in effect:
- Pink zone: fixed speed reduction zone where vessels of 20m in overall length or more must travel at a maximum of 10 knots from April 28 to November 15, 2019.
- Green zone: temporary speed restriction zones include two shipping lanes north and south of Anticosti Island.
Clients trading to Canada should be aware of these temporary measures and until further notice, are advised to apply the 10 knots speed restriction in all identified areas.
BLG's Shipping Law Group can help organizations address the potential impact of these new restrictions on their operations.