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Nous sommes désolés. Le contenu de cette page n'est présentement disponible qu'en anglais.

Everything you need to know about the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO): a dynamic resource

Welcome to BLG and AUM Law’s dynamic resource on the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO). We invite you to bookmark and revisit this page which will be updated to reflect developments of importance to CIRO registered firms. Resulting from the amalgamation of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) and the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada (MFDA), CIRO has been operating since January 1, 2023 and has led to – and will continue to generate – significant changes in the registration and oversight of investment and mutual fund dealers across Canada, as well as new opportunities. This resource is designed to help you find, understand and act on CIRO-related topics, such as new developments, rules, registration requirements, enforcement and examinations and more.

Recent developments

Key Contacts

BLG and AUM logos


AUM Law Professional Corporation 


Regulatory Compliance Counsel and Consultants to Securities Registrants – Fondé en 2009, AUM Law est reconnu pour les services-conseils en conformité réglementaire qu’il prodigue à des sociétés inscrites. AUM Law fait partie de Borden Ladner Gervais S.E.N.C.R.L., S.R.L. depuis mai 2021; les services juridiques et de consultation pratiques et rentables qu’il offre en matière de conformité à la réglementation des valeurs mobilières sont intégrés à l’offre de BLG Impulsion, la plateforme de services juridiques non traditionnels de BLG. 


Conseils pratiques. Service efficace. Forfaits à honoraires fixes. Détermination inégalée.