Nos avocats spécialisés dans le domaine du pétrole et du gaz ont une feuille de route impressionnante, allant des litiges aux transactions entre entreprises les plus complexes. Ils possèdent le savoir nécessaire pour vous aider dans vos activités, peu importe le domaine :
Nos relations étroites avec des joueurs de partout dans l’industrie hautement réglementée de l’énergie pétrolière et gazière nous permettent d’anticiper les tendances du secteur et de vous aider à bien vous y positionner. Nous représentons des clients de toutes tailles au Canada et à l’étranger et leur livrons ce dont ils ont besoin pour atteindre leurs objectifs d’affaires.
Nous accompagnons nos clients pour mener à bien leurs transactions les plus complexes dans le secteur pétrolier et gazier. Ils apprécient l’aptitude de nos équipes du Canada à formuler des conseils juridiques à la fois pratiques, stratégiques et tactiques. Acquisitions et dessaisissements, achats et ventes d’actifs, financement, insolvabilité et restructurations, coentreprises et autres arrangements commerciaux, développement de projets, approbations réglementaires et résolution de différends : rien n’a de secret pour nous.
Lorsqu’il s’agit de régler des différends, nos clients s’en remettent à notre équipe pour dénouer les litiges commerciaux les plus complexes et techniques et se charger des questions d’ordre réglementaire.
Nos avocats ont plaidé devant des tribunaux provinciaux et fédéraux en plus de différents organismes de réglementation, dont l’Office national de l’énergie (ONE), l’Alberta Energy Regulator (AER), d’autres autorités de réglementation fédérales et provinciales et le Bureau de la concurrence.
Nous aidons nos clients pour toutes sortes de demandes relatives à des installations :
Nous offrons régulièrement des conseils dans le cadre de demandes de permis d’extraction et d’exportation de gaz pour le compte de producteurs et de regroupeurs de gaz.
Chaque opération de fusion et acquisition repose sur une ambition, qu’il s’agisse de tirer parti d’une occasion intéressante, de nouer un nouveau partenariat ou de prendre en main la croissance de son entreprise. Faites appel à nos compétences pointues pour ce qui touche la réglementation de même qu’à notre expertise poussée dans les domaines porteurs pour l’économie d’aujourd’hui et de demain afin de renforcer et de soutenir vos objectifs.
Dans le marché, les entreprises ne sont plus évaluées qu’en fonction de leur succès financier ou de leur offre de produits et de services. D’autres facteurs, notamment la réputation, le niveau de responsabilité et la manière de répondre aux demandes des investisseurs, entrent maintenant en ligne de compte.
Chez BLG, nos clients nous font confiance pour les aider à comprendre les enjeux ESG et à les intégrer à leurs stratégies d’affaires.
« Ils ont fait jusqu’à présent un excellent travail. Leur vaste connaissance de différents secteurs et leur capacité à toujours livrer à temps et à respecter le budget sont leurs grandes forces. »
Out of gas: How the Conifer-Razor dispute became moot ARTICLE
Great expectations: Change-of-law risk for Canada’s clean economy investment tax credits ARTICLE
Alberta Court of Appeal curtails enforcement of arbitration clauses on third-party beneficiaries ARTICLE
Update on Canada's clean economy ITCs ARTICLE
The AERs broad duty of disclosure in licence appeals Judd v Alberta Energy Regulator ARTICLE
Pace, money and innovation: BLG’s Sonya Savage and EDU's Graeme Edge talk energy transition VIDÉO
Changement et uniformité : L’AUC six mois après l’enquête et le moratoire sur les énergies renouvelables ARTICLE
Extending limitation periods for environmental damages: Paramount Resources Ltd v Grey Owl Engineering Ltd. ARTICLE
Cabinet confidentiality over discovery in litigation: The Court of Appeal reaffirms public interest immunity ARTICLE
Publicité trompeuse et écoblanchiment : projet de loi C-59 et modification de la Loi sur la concurrence ARTICLE
Challenge of regulatory decision was res judicata ARTICLE
Proposed Amendments to the Impact Assessment Act in the Budget Implementation Act 2024 ARTICLE
Disclosure of investigation reports to the regulators was a waiver of privilege ARTICLE
Public interest immunity does not shield briefing on energy policy ARTICLE
Nouveau projet de règlement sur les COV au Canada : encore et toujours la même bataille constitutionnelle? ARTICLE
Objectif de carboneutralité du Canada : le point sur la réglementation de l’électricité propre et les émissions du secteur pétrolier et gazier ARTICLE
New Alberta renewable energy policy prioritizes agriculture, viewscapes, reclamation ARTICLE
Alberta Court confirms that legislative bodies can shield administrative decisions ARTICLE
Deadline for Green Investment Tax Credit submissions fast approaching ARTICLE
The future of Canadian energy: A review of 2023's top energy issues and what to expect in 2024 POINTS DE VUE
Perspectives on First Nations issues and Canadian energy projects ARTICLE
L’Alberta et le Canada adoptent des incitatifs pour le captage, l’utilisation et le stockage du carbone ARTICLE
Fix announced for “government assistance" tax problem regarding low-interest loans ARTICLE
Why now is the time to get M&A-ready ARTICLE
La Cour suprême juge inconstitutionnelle la Loi sur l’évaluation d’impact ARTICLE
The global energy transition: Key takeaways from the World Petroleum Congress ARTICLE
Pistes de réflexion POINTS DE VUE
Beyond oil and gas: The latest application of the Redwater super-priority ARTICLE
The Federal Budget 2023: Canada’s first response to the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act ARTICLE
Court orders Alberta’s Minister of Energy to return $20 million in unlawfully collected royalties ARTICLE
Alberta Budget 2023: Surplus, spending and a Spring election ARTICLE
Redevances : la cour clarifie la loi régissant leur qualité d’intérêt foncier et les règles relatives au rang ARTICLE
Les dossiers énergétiques marquants de la dernière année et leur incidence pour 2023 et au-delà ARTICLE
BC introduces new rules for carbon capture and storage ARTICLE
BC expands liability for oil and gas activities to directors, officers and others ARTICLE
BC hydrogen legislation New regulator for hydrogen and other energy resources ARTICLE
Legislature passes Alberta Sovereignty within a United Canada Act: Overview and implications ARTICLE
An evening with Gillian Tett: How to lead an organization like an anthropologist ARTICLE
Show us the money: Net zero financing for Canadian businesses (Energy Disruptors Day 3) ARTICLE
5 ways to be a change-maker: Energy Disruptors conference Day 2 ARTICLE
3 lessons from Energy Disruptors Unite Day 1: Where we’re headed and how we’ll get there ARTICLE
New liability management framework for oil and gas in Alberta ARTICLE
B.C. outlines newly released oil & gas royalty framework ARTICLE
Court of Appeal finds Federal Impact Assessment Act unconstitutional ARTICLE
Environmental Registry of Ontario proposes changes to allow permanent geologic carbon storage projects ARTICLE
2030 Emissions reduction plan and Canada’s journey to net zero ARTICLE
Principaux enjeux de 2021 en matière d’énergie : incidence pour 2022 et les années à venir ARTICLE
Transition énergétique : repenser l’économie canadienne ARTICLE
Freehold lessees facing increased risk of lease termination ARTICLE
TCFD: Tie board & management compensation to climate goals + 6 more new metrics ARTICLE
TCFD implementation: the shifting landscape of climate change policy in North America ARTICLE
Hydrogen storage but not necessarily storing hydrogen ARTICLE
Same, same but different: U.S. business and the 2021 Canadian election ARTICLE
The business of B.C.’s hydrogen strategy ARTICLE
Public inquiry into anti-Alberta energy campaigns to proceed after court dismissal ARTICLE
Alberta moves to introduce carbon capture and storage “hubs” ARTICLE
Federal Court of Appeal lifts injunction on Alberta’s “turn off the taps” legislation ARTICLE
Court rules party cannot rely on exculpatory clause to avoid liability for deceit ARTICLE
Le Canada annonce l’émission de ses premières obligations vertes dans le cadre de son budget 2021 ARTICLE
Clearing the air: Supreme Court upholds federal carbon pricing regime ARTICLE
Le marché des crédits compensatoires pour les gaz à effet de serre – la pièce manquante de l’économie du carbone au Canada – est arrivé ARTICLE
Court of Appeal of Alberta dismisses application for leave in Bellatrix CCAA proceedings ARTICLE
ESG and Investment Opportunities in the Energy Sector ARTICLE
Hydrogen: An Alternative Fuel to Watch webinar VIDÉO
ESG and investment opportunities in the energy sector VIDÉO
Pétrole et gaz au Canada : Top 20 de 2020 – transactions et tendances ARTICLE
Pétrole et gaz au Canada : Top 20 de 2020 – changements législatifs ARTICLE
Pétrole et gaz canadiens : Top 20 de 2020 – décisions réglementaires ARTICLE
Amendments to the British Columbia contaminated sites regime ARTICLE
Alberta Court of Appeal vindicates trustee in the latest Perpetual Energy decision ARTICLE
Pétrole et gaz au Canada : 20 décisions judiciaires marquantes en 2020 ARTICLE
ESG: It's here to stay ARTICLE
Pores, pipes and politics: The keys to blue hydrogen in Western Canada ARTICLE
Clean Fuel Standard Regulations released for consultation ARTICLE
Navigating Canada's changing energy landscape VIDÉO
Une stratégie fédérale sur l’hydrogène pour stimuler les industries canadiennes ARTICLE
Norme sur les combustibles propres : possibilités de crédits pour le remplacement de combustibles d’utilisation finale ARTICLE
Ontario looks to kick-start the new hydrogen economy ARTICLE
La Stratégie canadienne pour l’hydrogène ARTICLE
Vision 2020? L’impact des élections américaines sur le droit et les affaires au Canada ARTICLE
Alberta government shares natural gas vision and strategy ARTICLE
AER rejects Shell/Pieridae asset transfer: implications for insolvency matters ARTICLE
Another visit to the ATM: CSA finalizes rules for At-the-Market equity programs ARTICLE
Fort McKay v. Prosper boards, tribunals and the honour of the crown ARTICLE
Climate change litigation and disclosure implications during COVID-19 ARTICLE
Super-Priority for Environmental Obligations in Insolvency Law ARTICLE
Oil & Gas: Operator vs. Non-Operator Disputes in Uncertain Economic Times VIDÉO
Operators’ remedies in uncertain economic times ARTICLE
Canadian oil and gas: Non-operators' remedies ARTICLE
Welcome to the cash machine: The rising popularity of ATMs in Canada ARTICLE
Emergency legislative amendments to support Alberta’s oil and gas sector ARTICLE
Alberta Budget 2020: A Plan for Jobs and the Economy ARTICLE
Alberta Government must decide on the future of Oil Sands project ARTICLE
Court of Appeal confirms Alberta’s power over oil and gas development and greenhouse gas emissions ARTICLE
Façonner l’avenir des producteurs d’énergie canadiens ARTICLE
Canadian Energy Oil and Gas: Top Transactions and Trends in 2019 ARTICLE
La collaboration en marche ARTICLE
Canadian Energy Oil and Gas: Top Legislative and Policy Developments in 2019 ARTICLE
L’intelligence artificielle : maximiser le potentiel humain à l’ère de la technologie ARTICLE
Pétrole et gaz : questions actuelles, orientations futures POINTS DE VUE
A Plan to Address Alberta’s Deficit, Alberta Budget 2019 ARTICLE
Post-Election 2019: Impacts on Canada’s Energy Industry ARTICLE
Alberta’s Electricity-Generation Markets: The Alternating Currents of Governmental Regulation ARTICLE
Alberta’s Electricity-Generation Markets: The Alternating Currents of Governmental Regulation ARTICLE
National Energy Board Releases a Decision on the Coastal GasLink Pipeline Project ARTICLE
National Energy Board Releases a Decision on the Coastal GasLink Pipeline Project ARTICLE
Federal Court of Appeal Allows Six New Appeals of Long-Delayed Trans Mountain Pipeline ARTICLE
English Commercial Court Enforces Multi-Billion Arbitral Award Over Failed Gas Project ARTICLE
Pipeline Licensee v. Contract Operator: Who is Liable for Environmental Damage Arising from Integrity Mismanagement and Corrosion? ARTICLE
Canadian Energy: Senate Passes Bill C-48 and C-69 ARTICLE
Canadian Energy: Senate passes Bill C-48 and C-69 ARTICLE
Cabinet Gives the Trans Mountain Expansion Project the Go-Ahead ARTICLE
BLG Lawyers Speak at CELF's 58th Annual Jasper Research Seminar ARTICLE
B.C. Mandates Timelines for Oil and Gas Site Cleanups ARTICLE
Alberta Court of Appeal Grants Leave to Appeal Decision for Work Camp Permit Near Sour Gas Facilities ARTICLE
Alberta Repeals its Carbon Tax Legislation ARTICLE
The Lawyer's Daily: Legal observers divided over constitutionality of Alberta energy export law ARTICLE
A Victory for Canadian Energy Development & Federalism: BC Court of Appeal Reference Case ARTICLE
Alberta Court of Appeal sets the guideline for Extending Limitation Period for Environmental Claims under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act ARTICLE
The Alberta Court of Queen's Bench Strikes British Columbia's Claim to Declare Unconstitutional Alberta’s Preserving Canada’s Economic Prosperity Act ARTICLE
The Alberta Court of Appeal Allows Parallel Proceedings before the Court and the Surface Rights Board to Continue ARTICLE
MV Marathassa Acquitted of All Charges Resulting from 2015 English Bay Pollution ARTICLE
BC Court of Appeal affirms that the Province upheld the Honour of the Crown in William v. British Columbia (Attorney General), 2019 BCCA 74 ARTICLE
Looking Ahead: Potential Impact of the Alberta 2019 Election on the Carbon Leadership Plan ARTICLE
Rapport sur la législation et la réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales — Février 2019 ARTICLE
Upcoming BLG Seminar: Tax Advantaged Financing Structures – What’s Left? ARTICLE
Canada & U.S.: Progress on cryptocurrency securities regulation ARTICLE
Update on Changes to the Canadian Payments Act ARTICLE
New Changes to the Provincial Court Process in Alberta ARTICLE
NEB Recommends Approval of the Trans Mountain Expansion Project ARTICLE
Redwater Decision ARTICLE
Super-Priority for Environmental Liabilities in Insolvencies - A Comment on the Supreme Court of Canada’s Decision in Redwater ARTICLE
Oil and Gas: Top Trends and Transactions of 2018 ARTICLE
The Alberta Energy Regulator Retains its Statutory Powers in the Bankruptcy of an Oil and Gas Licensee ARTICLE
2018 Year-End M&A Review and 2019 Trends to Watch For ARTICLE
2018 Top Ten: Regulatory Decisions of Importance to the Canadian Energy Industry ARTICLE
2018 Top Ten: Legislative and Policy Changes in the Canadian Energy Industry ARTICLE
The Impact of USMCA on Investor-State Disputes and the Energy Industry ARTICLE
The 2018 Federal Fall Economic Statement and the Oil and Gas Sector ARTICLE
The Alberta Energy Regulator Grants Standing to Environmental Group for Oil Well License Hearing ARTICLE
Alberta Releases Curtailment Rules for Crude Oil and Crude Bitumen Production ARTICLE
Canadian Energy Update: Alberta Cuts Oil Production to Raise its Discounted Crude Oil Prices ARTICLE
Charter-Rights Class Action Approach to Climate Change Litigation in Canada: ENvironnement JEUnesse c. Attorney General of Canada ARTICLE
Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench has interpreted Prior Net Cumulative Balance provisions of the Oil Sands Royalty Regulation in Fort Hills Energy Corporation v Alberta (Minister of Energy), 2018 ABQB 905 ARTICLE
Court Consolidates Arbitration Proceedings Without Consent of Parties ARTICLE
National Securities Regulator Gets Go-Ahead from Supreme Court ARTICLE
Alberta Court of Appeal Clarifies Crown’s Obligation in Proving Occupational Health and Safety Charges ARTICLE
Disguised Expropriation: Protecting Oil and Gas Interests ARTICLE
A New Oil and Gas Legal and Regulatory Framework for Québec ARTICLE
Can Someone Legally Access the Data in your Database? Challenges to Database Access in Canada ARTICLE
Gross Overriding Royalty as Interest in Land the Clear Language Conundrum Continues ARTICLE
Update on the Enmax Case: A “Reasonable” Outcome? ARTICLE
Alberta Energy Regulator Assesses Cumulative Effects of Pipeline Project on Aboriginal/Treaty Rights: Tips for Bill C-69 and Interprovincial Pipeline Approvals ARTICLE
The Alberta Energy Regulator Prescribes $45 million 2018/19 Orphan Fund Levy without Tranche Payments ARTICLE
B.C. Introduces Legislation in Response to Redwater ARTICLE
Alberta 2018 Budget - What's in it For Energy? ARTICLE
Court of Appeal Upholds Injunction Against Suncor's Random Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy ARTICLE
BC Government Unveils Plan to Conduct a Hydraulic Fracturing Review ARTICLE
Looking Forward to the 2018 IPPSA Conference and the Release of the BLG Podcast ARTICLE
Alberta Court of Appeal Allows Appeal on “Knock-for-Knock” Clause ARTICLE
WiRE Calgary Networking Event Featuring Minister Shannon Phillips ARTICLE
The Liberal Government Plans to Change Canada's Environmental Legislation? ARTICLE
Top 10 Legal Risks for Business in 2018 ARTICLE
Significant Federal Court Decision Finds Fracking-Related Patent to be Invalid ARTICLE
2017 Year In Review: Top 10 Regulatory Decisions of Importance to the Canadian Energy Industry ARTICLE
2017 Year-End MA Review and 2018 Trends to Watch For ARTICLE
2017 Year in Review: Top 10 Judicial Decisions and Trends of Importance to the Canadian Energy Industry ARTICLE
2017 Year in Review: Top 10 Legislative and Regulatory Changes of Significance to the Canadian Energy Industry ARTICLE
Federal Financial Institutions Legislative And Regulatory Reporter ARTICLE
Rapport sur la législation et la réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales ARTICLE
Regulation of Payment in Service Providers in Canada: Proposal for a New Retail Payments Regulatory Regime ARTICLE
The Resource: BLG Energy Law Blog — March 2017 ARTICLE
Fairness Opinions — Is There A New Interoil Standard? ARTICLE
Rapport sur la législation et la réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales — février 2017 ARTICLE
What Are the Implications for Boards of Directors in Light of the Redwater Decision? ARTICLE
Le Québec adopte une nouvelle loi régissant l'énergie propre et l'exploration pétrolière et gazière ARTICLE
OSFI Issues Draft Guideline E-23 for Public Consultation on Enterprise-Wide Model Risk Management ARTICLE
Updating Ontario's Financial Services And Pension Regulatory Regime ARTICLE
Canadian Bank Regulators Clarify Promotion Of Comprehensive Credit Insurance In Bank Branches ARTICLE
THE RESOURCE: BLG Energy Law Blog – September Digest ARTICLE
The Resource: BLG Energy Law Blog — August 2016 Digest ARTICLE
Federal Financial Institutions Legislative and Regulatory Reporter ARTICLE
The Resource: BLG Energy Law Blog - May Digest ARTICLE
The Resource: BLG Energy Law Blog April Digest ARTICLE
Rapport sur la législation et la réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales ARTICLE
The Resource: BLG Energy Law Blog March Digest ARTICLE
The Final Version Of Guideline E-22 — Margin Requirements For Non-Centrally Cleared Derivatives — What's New? ARTICLE
Avis — déclaration en ligne en vigueur en vertu de l'Environmental Management Act de la Colombie-Britannique ARTICLE
La Cour suprême de la Colombie-Britannique déclare que la province ne peut pas renoncer à ses pouvoirs d'approbation d'un projet suite à une évaluation environnementale ARTICLE
The Resource: BLG Energy Law Blog January Digest ARTICLE
ASC 2015 Oil and Gas Review report suggests best disclosure practices ARTICLE